08 January 2010

A Michigan Sendoff

We are less than 24 hours from the big departure and lets just say I am less than pleasant to be around and leave it at that. 

The gang
On a different note, Michigan came through for us at the last moment dumping a bunch of snow in our yard.  The kids love the snow.  Don't ask me why, but they do.  I must admit that it is really beautiful around here when it snows and that sound of the snow squishing under your boots - it really is serene.  Anyway, this was are real first snow of the year and it could not have come at a better time.  It was just enough for the kids to play in, but not enough to cause life to come to a screeching halt.  The only thing that came to a halt was our outing when I realized that I packed AJ's snowsuit.  Fortunately, (hee, hee) I had one of Laney's old suits in the closet.  I don't really think he noticed - he had work to do.

There Will Be No Record Of This

AJ's Outta Here

AJ Hard at Work

At the end of the day, with the dripping boots and noses I think I am glad that we will bypass this for a few years.  Yes, mom, this is a public apology - we're sorry, but we will be back before you can say "snow-blower" 10 times fast.


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