06 December 2010

Nine is Grand

Spencer turned 9 the 25th of October, but since we were traveling on his actual birthday and being the easy going guy that he is we celebrated a bit early.  Looking back it really was a grand day filled with big things for our guy.  If anyone should have a massive birthday it should be Spencer.  He is big in all that he does - his love, compassion and empathy for everyone in his life, his passion for learning and his maturity.  So, his breakfast was fitting.

The Pancake

His day of celebration was started with a giant chocolate chip blueberry pancake (his invention, of course) - I can't believe he ate every inch of the massive thing, but, he did. 

Present Time

There were many presents and lots of new things to build.  The rest of the day was filled with some of Spencer's favorites like Nerf wars and baking bread. With Grammie in town the oven was roaring, the flour was flying and the bread was baking.  If you don't know already, Spencer in the carnivore of the family - the guy loves steak.  In fact, on occasion, he will visit a local butcher (where he is quite a celebrity) and order himself up some meat.  So, for his birthday I thought he might like the biggest steak he had ever set eyes on:

Steak Cake

Enter the steak cake. 

Spencer and the Steak Cake

This guy is such a big part of lives - I really am looking forward to seeing the grandeur of the years to come.


MKHKKH said...

What a great cake! A grand reason to celebrate for sure! He is growing into such a fine fellow.

Leeann said...

LOVE, Love, love the steak cake. That is brilliant!
You have a neat family.

Anonymous said...

Would love to hear his conversations w/the butcher - he has an uncle (Alaska Phil) who ordered bluberry pie and a ring of pork sausage for birtday 12. Lv to all. Gigi

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