I suppose I should be grateful that we have a dryer at all - a lot of people here don't. I have seen a lot of outdoor clothes drying contraptions: airers, lines, hexagonal things, things that retract, on and on. Actually, I find the whole thing a bit amusing since the sun never seems to shine here, but I guess that is a whole different complaint.
I would like to say we dry our clothes like this because we are being environmentally responsible and, yes, that is part of it, but really the dryer that came with the house is horrible. It smells. As the heat intensifies, so does the smell of dirty socks. The other problem is the door - when you open it, the little port hole it dips down so that when you go to close it again you have to wrench it up to get it to latch. Next downside, it holds 2 towels. It has two settings: hot and no heat. The best part, when it is on, you can open it and it still runs and the clothes self eject. It is a First Edition, do you think that might have something to do with it? Perhaps they got all of the kinks out with the Second Edition? I sure hope so.
I think AJ has found the best use for this First Edition:
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